Thursday, November 14, 2013

Phone Scam/Hackers

Phone Scam

computer hackers, romance scammers , cyber sex crimes etc..they are criminals..put all of them in jail and give them lifetime imprisonment or else put them in the pacific Ocean and let them swim there so that they will be eaten up mby all hungry sharks. Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, IT and all telephone operators must guard and protect your true customers and stop all these internet hackers. Let all the authorities in all nations to be vigilant about these criminals the following are the victims that have been called and scammed recently.

Victim #1


Scammers keep calling my landline. Doing something like this could be fun, but I'm afraid fruitless. Even if you record everything and post on YouTube, it won't change anything. All that the scammers are trying to do, is make you tell them your credit card details over the phone. There's no paper trail left. The scammer is in a different country, so all the Irish Garda can do, is contacting the police in that country, a request which will probably be dropped on the floor.

Victim #2 


Scams like this are awful, but this was probably the only "job" the guy could get. I'm sure they know what they're doing is wrong, but if your options are to scam people via the telephone or let your kids go hungry, you might find yourself on the other end of the conversation. I had one of the ammyy hackers call me and say my computer had issues. I asked him which computer it was, as I have 6 on my network. The call ended quickly after that. I wished I would have been more prepared for the call. I think I could have gone over 30 minutes on this one.

Victim #3

I had one of the ammyy hackers call me and say my computer had issues. I asked him which computer it was, as I have 6 on my network. The call ended quickly after that. I wished I would have been more prepared for the call. I think I could have gone over 30 minutes on this one.I keep getting these phone calls even though I've made it clear I know its a scam. Now I just waste their time as much as possible, a minute they're talking to me is a minute someone isn't being scammed by them.

Victim #4

I had a call and I thought it smelled a bit fishy so I decided to have a bit of crack and played along with him, asking lots of questions etc. The call took about half an hour and ended abruptly when, at the point where he was asking me to "push the button" to allow their "engineer" to connect with my machine, I said "No, I don't think that's a good idea". He said "It is sir, it is". I said "For you maybe, but not for me. Either you're mad or you must think I'm mad". He hung up.

Victim #5

I have had 2 calls from these assholes today. They didn't get far. The first call from an a lady with an Indian accent. She said she was from a company called computer technical services. The second a guy who also had an Indian accent, who said is was from the computer maintenance depatment. I already know about this scam so just told them I did not have a computer, and they just keep hanging up. I've reported them the theres a fraud team putting together a big case on them. 

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